So, I said last week that I'd try this Falsies Volume Mascara
I like the texture it makes my eyelashes. It makes them feel stiff, which is good. When the mascara is too wet, it makes eyelashes soft and then they tend to droop and don't stay long and voluminous or keep their curl. I feel like they stay "up" all day, if that makes sense.
It doesn't give a TON of volume which I usually prefer, but I don't mind it because it doesn't look so clumpy or weigh down my eyelashes. It helps them stay more distinct and defined.
I do like how it looks, but it wasn't after ONE layer that I got them to look that way. I had to work at it and put quite a few layers on. So if you're looking for something you can just dab on real quick, this isn't for you. It takes quite a few applications to make it look good. BUT, I never had to reapply during the day which is awesome!
As you can see from the picture above, the bushels are slightly bent and the purpose of that is to get all the lashes at once so as to make the application even. There is a weird bend in the stem of the brush though, so it's a little different than the usual brushes. You can barely see it in the picture above of the wand but it's about half way between the handle and the brush. When you put pressure on the brush by applying it to your eye lashes, the brush bends a little bit. The first time I put it on I made a mess because I wasn't used to the flimsiness. But I got used to it and I guess it's there to help apply it more evenly to all the lashes.
It doesn't make me look like I'm wearing fake eyelashes like it promises, but I like how it makes my eyelashes very distinct. I would definitely recommend it and I will buy it again when it runs out!
Have a great Friday and enjoy the weekend! I'll see you Monday for some cardio workouts!
I love this stuff... it totally makes my lashes full, long, and falsie, but i put on multiple coats. it's only $5 at Target.