My favorite lip gloss right now is
Neutrogena Lip Gloss
. They have a wide variety of different colors to match your skin tone. The best thing about them is at Walgreens, and Ulta, I've seen them for buy one get one free, or buy two get one free quite frequently. The reason why I like them is they are not sticky. I can't stand sticky lips. They give enough color to enhance your lips, but it's not overpowering. There is also a tiny hint of sparkles or shine (but not over the top) that is very flattering and makes it no such a dull color. They also moisturize your lips and make them smooth, unlike most lip glosses. I'm a fan.

The winter months are coming on, but who looks good pasty white? Self tanner can be quite a pain to put on, not to mention the smell. That's why I love this tinted moisturizer
Lumene Body Aktiva Shimmering and Moisturizing Body Lotion
. I got it at CVS 3 years ago for $10 and I still probably have 1/3 of it left (since I also don't wear it as much in the summer when I have a natural tan.) You really can't beat that price for what you get. I like it because it's fast, I just throw it on my arms, neck and chest above my shirt line, and I'm ready to go. I don't have to wash my hands, or wait 20 minutes to let it dry. It washes off when I shower since it's not a self tanner, but it doesn't matter because it takes less than 30 seconds to put on. Also, the color isn't overpowering, on my skin at least. The good self tanners can be up to $25-$40 and I'm just not sure I'm willing to make that investment. I will admit, it's not very moisturizing and the texture is quite thin, but that's not why I bought it so I don't care. Also, it says "shimmering" but I don't walk out of the house beaming like I just rolled around in a bunch of sparkles. I hate that. It has just enough to give you color, but it looks natural. It just gives you a little hint of color so you don't look so pasty.
My Loreal Original Mascara (which is my favorite) is running out so it's time for me to buy mascara. I'm going to venture out and buy this
Maybelline Falsies Mascara
and tell you what I think of it next week. I'll see if it's clumpy and unnatural looking or smooth and gives me volume. We'll see how it compares to the Loreal brand. Check in next week's Beauty Friday to see if it's worth buying.

We'll see if my eyelashes turn out like this model for the mascara. Do they really think that WE think those are real?! Oh advertising.
Thank you for this! I look totally weird in lipstick, so I prefer lip gloss, and Neutrogena is one of my favorite brands. I'll check it out. And I hate being pasty white. Need all the help I can get for the winter months.