There is a misconception out there that whatever area you specifically work out will looked ripped and amazing. For example, those infomercials with a sit-up/crunch machine and promises a six pack in a few weeks. Or someone says, workout your arms and it will take away those old lady saggy underarms.
I'm giving you an arm workout today, but don't forget that there is a layer of fat over your muscles. You can work out your muscles, and they can and will become more defined, but if you're not eating right, that fat will still be covering the muscles and you won't be able to see the definition as much you might wish. But once you get rid of that fat (as in it decreases) that definition WILL show.
So, having said that, these exercises will have your upper arms looking more defined IN COMBINATION with eating healthy. Bu looking defined isn't the only benefit to working your muscles. Remember that the more muscle you have the more fat you're burning during the day and in your sleep? Oh yeah. You heard me. So don't give up on strength training just because you feel like you don't look 'defined' enough. There are other NECESSARY reasons why you do strength training i.e. the effects of your metabolism.
Shoot for 12-15 reps of each. If you aren't tired by the 15th rep go to 20. If you're not exhausted by 20 reps, your weights are too light.
Shoulder Press
You can do this with your palms facing towards each other
as shown in the picture, or facing outwards, which is more common.
Do the opposite of what you're used to. You work different
fibers in your muscles just by switching a small position.
You can do this with your palms facing towards each other
as shown in the picture, or facing outwards, which is more common.
Do the opposite of what you're used to. You work different
fibers in your muscles just by switching a small position.
Lateral Raises
Keep elbows slightly bent
Biceps Curl on One Leg
By standing on one leg you throw your balance off
which forces you to use your core
Triceps Extension
Be sure to keep your elbows
close to your ears. Don't let them
spread out even though they'll want to.
Triceps Dips
Advanced with one leg. If just beginning, keep both legs on ground and
lower your arms until your butt almost reaches the ground. Then bring yourself back up.
( Or Advanced Triceps Dips )
Crunch on SB or floor
Reverse Crunch
( Or Advanced Reverse Crunch )
Start in a pushup position with your shins and feet on the ball.
Then bring your knees into your chest, and roll them back out to the starting
position again.
Start from the top and work your way from the Shoulder Press to the Reverse Crunch again.
Today, add in 20 mintues of low-medium intensity of cardio since you just worked out your arms. On Thursday, I would find a leg workout and just do legs. Sometimes it's ice to switch things up and not always just do a total body workout.
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