Monday, June 21, 2010

10 Workout Tips

There's an article from the WebMD website, called 10 Workout Secrets, that I'd like to share. You can embrace which ones you want, but in general, they're pretty helpful.

  1. BE CONSISTENT. In the article a man shares a story that he was more successful than most of the people he had seen working out just because he was consistent. I see this all the time. People work out in spurts. Usually January for the New Year's Resolution, then wind down in February or March, and then maybe pick up again in May to put that swimsuit on again. Squires, the man in the article says, "I'm not fast, but I'm consistent." He worked out every day for 20 minutes. See what a difference it would make if you just worked out 20 minutes everyday, instead of an hour some weeks, and then stop going other weeks.
  2. Follow an effective exercise routine. The top suggestion of 1,000 certified Personal Trainers was what I've said a thousand times. 1. Strength Training 2x a week for 20 minutes will tone up your entire body. 2. Interval training. 3. Increased cardio training. If you have a plan, or system of what you're going to do that week, it's much easier to stick to that schedule when something more "fun" comes up.
  3. Set Realistic Goals. We've all learned our lessons about trying to get so thin that we get discouraged, or end up gaining more weight than we set out with. Set small, attainable goals first, then raise the bar as you go along.
  4. Use the buddy system. Now I personally have a hard time with this because it's hard with conflicting schedules, and your friend that you'd want to work out with might be on a different level than you. But if you can work out the schedule, and find someone who is on the same workout level, it is ideal to workout with a buddy. The motivation stays longer, you have someone you don't want to let down, and you are less likely to give up so quickly. Something to think about :)
  5. Make your plan fit your life. This is the best tip in my opinion. They gym really isn't for everybody. If you'd rather enjoy playing a tennis game, by all means do that instead. Pick something you ENJOY, and do that, because it's the only way it will stick.
  6. Be Happy. This goes along with #5. Do what you enjoy because otherwise, you won't be consistent. If you don't like weights, try yoga, or pilates (although it's not the same, it has other benefits.) If you don't belong to a gym try resistance bands which are great for toning. There are so many options out there. Choose something you're happy with.
  7. Watch the Clock. The article refers to your BODY clock, meaning, work out when you have the most energy. If you're not a morning person, don't try and get up at 5 am to work out. If you don't like working out late at night, try around the middle of the day. (Of course there's always schedules to work around.) But it's something to consider.
  8. Call in the pros. The article says to hire a personal trainer if you're just getting started. I know I'm a personal trainer, so I'm biased to the idea. I also know it can be very, very pricey, depending on your gym and where you live. But sometimes once you learn the techniques, and new ideas, it can be a booster for you. Just a thought.
  9. Get Inspired. The article says, "Fitness is a state of mind." He asks, "Who inspires you?" I find that reading a fitness magazine or a health book gets me in the right mode. Otherwise, sometimes I get lost in my own appetites and thoughts and start thinking it doesn't matter what I look like. Then when I want to go out and look nice I ask myself why I did this to myself again. So find something that inspires you, to keep you motivated.
  10. Be Patient. This is a big one. We get excited about our workout routine, then a few weeks go by and we quit because we didn't see any results. Be patient and be CONSISTENT and you will be better off than if you didn't.
I'll throw my own personal plug in there, that you can work out like a beast and eat simple carbs and overeat consistently, and you probably won't see very good results. Don't forget it's mostly about what you're putting into your mouth. Don't you just love to hear that!

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