Wednesday, June 16, 2010

The Most Informative Video Ever

Okay so you know those cheesy videos you see that are trying to sell something? I hate them and I usually don't waste my time. But I ran across one that was actually super informative about the right way to eat and lose weight. It goes along with the book Ultrametabolism (which is my favorite book on nutrition because it's right on and is not a fad diet, just a healthy way of eating.)

The only problem is that the information isn't until the middle of the video, so you have to sit through a few minutes of them trying to convince you to watch the video. But in the middle, they share great information and explain very clearly why sugar is so bad for you and other useful information. Understanding why things are bad for me and the way they work in my body, helps me to make healthier decisions because I understand the consequences of them.

In the end, of course they are trying to sell you their packages. I AM NOT PROMOTING THESE PRODUCTS, nor do I think you should buy them. I just like the information they give and I think it makes it clear why it's so important to eat healthy.

So if you've got a few minutes, click on this to check out the video: The Diet Solution Program

1 comment:

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