Monday, November 1, 2010

Pajama Workout

 Are you ever in the mood to work out, but you still don't feel like getting all geared up and going outside?  Yeah, I feel like that too sometimes.  Here's a cardio workout you can do in any room in your house.  Turn the music up and have some fun.   All you need is a clock or stopwatch.  Just beware that your calves will be sore tomorrow :)

  1. March in place for 1 minute
  2. Jog in place 1 minute
  3. Jump rope (without a jump rope) 1 minute 
  4. Jog in place 1 minute
  5. March in place 1 minute 
  6. Run in place 1 minute (your knees should come up high - no slacking!) 
  7. Jog in place 1 minute
  8. Squat down so you touch your hands to the ground, then jump up reaching your hands to the sky for 30 seconds 
  9. March in place 1 minute 
  10. Run in place 2 minutes 
  11. Jog in place 1 minute
  12. March 1 minute 
  13. Jump to the left with your left foot landing first, then your right leg following.  Alternate jumping from left to right side for 1 minute
  14. Double speed jump rope in place 1 minute 
  15. March 1 minute
  16. Jump side to side (see number 13) 1 minute 
  17. Run in place 2 minutes 
  18.  Squat down so you touch your hands to the ground, then jump up reaching your hands to the sky for 30 seconds
  19. March in place 2-3 minutes to cool down
The marching in place is there for cool downs and to bring your heart rate back down.  If you need longer than a minute, take it.  It's important to start the more intense moves without your heart rate too high so that you can last long enough.  Don't be afraid to push yourself on these.  It's a lot of jumping which will get your heart rate up, and you might not be used to that much movement if you stick to a usual running routine.  But it's good for ya :)

P.S. Happy November!  Keep up with your workout routine as diligently as you can because the holidays are coming up and we're gonna need it!

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