I love this work out from Fitnessmagazine.com. It's fast, hits all the major muscle groups, and is super challenging! Have fun!
Jack and Tire Run Combo

Do 4 jumping jacks.

Immediately afterward, do a high-knee run in place. Bring left knee up and bent right elbow forward, then right knee up and left elbow forward. Repeat high knees 3 more times.
Alternate back and forth between jumping jacks and high-knee runs.
Squat Pop

Lunge with arms at your sides, then as you stand up from the lunge
bring your arms up for a bicep curl.
Plank Lunge Row

A dumbbell in each hand, get into full push-up position; place dumbbells on the floor so that palms face each other. Lunge left leg forward so that foot lands outside of left hand, knee bent 90 degrees; return to push-up.

Instantly drive bent left elbow behind you,
bringing dumbbell up to rib cage; return to push-up position and alternate arms.
Double-Time Wood Chop

Standing with feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart, cross dumbbells over each other and hold both with clasped hands in front of hips. (Beginners, use one dumbbell.) Bend elbows to bring weights above right shoulder.

Pivot to the left, lifting right heel off floor and bending both knees 90 degrees as you lower dumbbells diagonally to outer left calf. Reverse motion back to standing position.
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