Of course, a six pack comes from eating small portions and basically a perfect diet :) But who needs a six pack? Some muscles would be nice to help suck in that tummy. Or maybe you have lost weight in your stomach (congratulations) and want some more definition. In any case, you'll be better off by doing these exercises, safely of course.
- Full Vertical Crunch
- Reverse Crunch. Instead of bringing your head towards your rear end, you pick your glutes up off the ground towards your pelvis. It's name, reverse crunch, is very literal. To help, think of kicking your feet up in the air to bring your glutes off the ground.
- Plank on elbows and knees
- Long Arm Crunch. Do a regular crunch but keep your arms out straight.
- Stability Ball Crunch.
- Captain's Chair Leg Raise
- Bicycle Crunch
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